The period cycle will differ from one individual to another all the time. Women will be counted from the first day of a period to the first day of the next cycle. The period usually occurs every 27-28 days, with gaping occurring, but a regular period cycle can range from 21st days to 35 days. Now, if your period is not going to happen within a cycle, that means it’s an irregular menstruation.
Whenever your menstruation cycle falls outside of your typical regular range, that creates irregular menstruation. There are many reasons why a girl or woman is facing irregular menstruation.
As per doctors, there are five types of irregular menstruation: Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea, Hypomenorrhoea, Polymenorrhea, and Oligomenorrhea.
If you have uncontrolled diabetes or an eating disorder problem, then it can cause an irregular period cycle. If any women have polycystic ovary syndrome, they may face such a problem. Females who have lots of stress can affected by irregular periods.
Best Home Remedies for Regular Periods
If you are suffering from irregular periods, first, you need to consult with a doctor and have proper tests to identify the problem. Then, you can use some easy home remedies to overcome this problem, and naturally, your period will happen!
Practice yoga
If you are suffering from menstrual issues, then you may start yoga. Learn the practices from a certified yoga teacher and then begin daily. A report shows that yoga is perfect for health, and it improves your body function, swelling, and less body pain. And fewer cramps, regular menstrual cycle, etc.
In 2013, a survey with 126 participants found that if people do 35 to 40 minutes of yoga every day, five days a week, for six months, they will eliminate irregular periods. Proper yoga also reduces menstrual pain, improves quality of life, and removes depression and anxiety.
Balance your weight
It’s better to avoid extra weight and gain weight less often. The human body must be balanced appropriately according to height and weight. If you gain excess weight, it creates many problems within your body. If you have a more significant body type and are unable to lose weight, then you may face an irregular period type. Take some properly balanced diet meals every day to reduce weight or gain weight properly.
Do Exercise Regularly
Exercise has various benefits. If you exercise daily, you will moderate your weight, improve your body’s immunity, and help maintain your menstrual cycle properly. A clinical report in 2021 suggested that if a female engages in daily physical activity, it can effectively treat primary dysmenorrhea and the duration of pain associated with the periodical cycle.
Try some cinnamon
If you are suffering from periodical issues, you may try cinnamon. Research in 2014 found that it helps regulate periodical cycles and has a good impact on women with PCOS problems. Cinnamon use can help reduce pain during periods and relieve visiting problems.
Try some ginger Powder
Ginger always plays a vital role in treating irregular periods, even though there is no scientific proof that it works. Many people take Ginger during periods to reduce pain. To reduce painful periods, taking 750-2000 mg of ginger powder during 3-4 days of the period will have a positive impact. But it’s essential to consult a doctor before you take it.
Try some Vitamin D for regular periods
Due to Vitamin D deficiency, you may face irregular periods. A study published in 2015 suggested that if any female takes Vitamin D, it can help to reduce irregular periods and have a positive impact on people who have PCOS. There are many food items where you will find vitamin D, like dairy products, milk, etc. You may also buy some supplements and take the doctor’s advice as well.
Try Some Pineapple
Pineapple is the best fruit and a common home remedy for periodical problems. This fruit contains bromelain, a type of enzyme that softens the uterus and regulates the period properly, though this has not been scientifically proven yet.
Though home remedies can be effective if you have a periodical problem, it’s always better to consult with an experienced doctor about your period-related problem and undergo the proper medication and treatment.