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Libido Management in Diabetics

Libido Management in Diabetics

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Remaining less ‘in the mood’ these days?

Well, there’s nothing to feel shy about. You are not the only one who is facing the issue of low sexual desire. It’s a common issue that is faced by most diabetics.  So, it’s not you, but diabetes that needs to be blamed for ruining your sexual life.

Let’s know how diabetes affects sex life.

Problems in bed, bad sex in couple. Lack of sexual life in relationship

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic metabolic disorders in which the blood sugar level is much higher than required. In men, this disorder not only increases the chance of cardiovascular diseases but also is associated with several sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, reduced sexual desire, orgasmic disorder, and retrograde ejaculation.

The main reason behind low libido or sexual desire in men is because of the release of less amount of testosterone. This, in turn, affects the passion for sex among men.

On the other hand, in the case of females, nerve damage due to diabetes has an adverse impact on their ability to experience sexual stimulation as well as arousal. It also impacts the release of vaginal lubricant.

These changes either cause the women to have painful sex or reduce their ability to experience orgasm. Furthermore, when a diabetic woman undergoes menopause then they are most likely to experience a sudden drop in their blood sugar levels.

This, in turn, affects their sexual health. Along with this, they may also experience symptoms of low blood sugar during sex; thus, making the feeling more tiring and unpleasant.

Other than this, diabetic women are at higher risk of infections like UTI and cystitis. Synergistically, all these adversely interfere with their enjoyment.

Apart from this, some psychological effects can also make sex more difficult for diabetic people. These include concerns over weight gain, isolation, depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and change in self-image. Thus, it is vital that libido management must be done to let them have a better sex life.

Is there a way to improve the sexual life of the diabetics?

Love couple sleeping after sex, intimacy

Even diabetics can enjoy a satisfied sex life. To make your sex life where it should be, discuss the matter with your doctor! This will help you to win half of the battle. Considering the issue and the underlying cause, the doctor will not only provide medication but will also provide counselling, if required for libido management.

Apart from this, lifestyle modification is equally important to help both men and women manage their libido irrespective of diabetes. In this regard, it is of utmost importance that diabetic people must boost their overall health including their sexual health by following the below-mentioned tips:

lifestyle modification
  • Eat Healthy
  • Exercise Daily
  • Shed extra pounds

Remember, it’s never too late! Work on yourself right from today to have a blissful sexual life.

Disclaimer: The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your healthcare provider.

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