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Reasons for Hair Loss for Women and Solutions

Hair Loss for Women and Solutions

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Hair loss is not only a man’s problem; it also affects at least one-third of women. However, the nature of hair loss is different for men and women. Women do not usually get bald like men but experience hair thinning. Various genetic and environmental factors lead to hair loss in women.

The most common reasons are stress, genetic factors, nutrient deficiency, and other health conditions like thyroid and anemia. Treatment processes depend on the root cause and the scale of the problem. The following article will delve deeper into the specific causes of hair loss in women and possible solutions. 

Causes of Hair Loss in Women

It is expected to lose 50 to 100 hairs each day; however, sometimes hair falls rapidly with less re-growth, causing hair thinning. This happens for many reasons. Here are some common reasons.

Alopecia Areata-Autoimmune Disease

Alopecia Areata is a condition in which small patches of hair fall off the scalp and affect other parts, such as eyebrows and beards. It affects 2 percent of the population, including men and women, and typically starts between the ages of 25 and 36. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles and causes inflammation. 

Though researchers are not sure what makes the immune system attack the hair follicles, it is believed that hereditary and environmental factors play a significant role in alopecia areata. It is a non-scarring type of hair loss where the hair follicles remain active, and hair can grow back. Physicians use injections into the scalp to cure the condition. 

Hair Loss Due to Dietary Habits

Your dietary habits significantly impact your hair quality. Nutrients are extremely important for healthy hair follicles and to create strong hair strands. Malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, and insufficient protein levels lead to hair loss. Some essential nutrients are protein, iron, zinc, fatty acids, vitamins B3 and D, biotin, etc. It has been found that people suffering from hair loss are deficient in these essential nutrients. Physicians often prescribe supplements to solve these deficiencies. 

Stress Factors Lead to Hair Loss

Certain non-scarring types of alopecia, like Telogen effluvium, are caused after experiencing a prolonged period of stress. It can stem from both physical and emotional stress like after surgery, infection, traumatic injuries, medicinal side effects, or childbirth and serious emotional stress like losing loved ones, work pressure, moving out to a new place and so on. This can be both acute and chronic. In acute cases, hair falling starts suddenly and stops after some time. Alternatively, in chronic cases, hair fall does not stop but does not lead to complete baldness. 

Treatment for Hair Loss 

There are many treatment options to cure hair loss, but the treatment line depends on the root cause. Medications such as Minoxidil need to be applied to the affected regions of the scalp. The hair starts to re-grow within 6-12 months. Additionally, there are various oral medications, such as Finasteride, which is typically administered to both males and females in case Minoxidil fails to work. 

There are also certain home remedies like maintaining a healthy diet that is rich in nutrients with essential vitamins and minerals that help to prevent hair loss. On the other hand, scalp massage with essential oils such as rosemary and peppermint oil is extremely beneficial for hair growth and quality. 

Apart from all these, if your problem still persists, it is highly recommended that you try out Scalp Micropigmentation, a non-surgical solution for permanent hair loss. Pigments are deposited on the affected areas of the scalp, providing a perfect camouflaging look and replicating the natural hair appearance. Scalp micropigmentation cost in Atlanta is highly affordable, so don’t delay anymore and book your session right away. 


Hair loss is common in men and women and affects the age group of 25-36. Hair loss is of different types and caused by environmental and genetic factors. One can try out home remedies like maintaining a healthy diet and oil massaging. On the other hand, physicians have various treatment methods that are highly effective. Lastly, if nothing works, hair micro pigmentation is the ultimate solution for your hair loss problem, helping you regain your look and confidence.

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