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Exploring the Benefit of Tourism as a Mental Health Therapy

Travel therapy

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Like music and art therapy, travel therapy for mental health  has recently been identified by researchers as an effective therapy for overcoming mental health issues. Various studies have shown that travel has a positive impact on people suffering from dementia. However, travel therapy is also suggested by mental health experts to cure a range of mental health issues like depression and stress. The following section of the article will discuss how travel can help you to overcome mental health challenges. 

Research Related to Travel Therapy

Researchers are of the opinion that traveling is connected with positive psychology concepts. Traveling triggers positive feelings, thought processes and sensory experiences acting as a treatment for dementia. Positive psychology theory focuses on how to help people to lead a healthy and happy life instead of focusing on the negative experiences.

 Thus, by drawing a parallel with positive psychology theory researchers suggested that traveling to theme parks, or family trips on a beach vacation  can have a similar impact like that of positive psychology therapy on people with dementia and other health issues. 

Effects of Travel on Mental Health

Travelling brings positive mental changes in people suffering from serious mental health diseases. Traveling acts as a mood enhancer as it evokes happy memories. Moreover, a sudden change in ambience and environment helps people to come out of their depressing loop of thoughts and to enjoy their present moment. Here are some of the ways in which travel can lead to positive psychological changes.

Travel Restructure Your Thought Process 

Psychotherapists are of the opinion that change of environment, stimuli, people, daily routine and activities allow you to restructure your thought leading to positive changes in your thought process. Travelling enables you to experience a positive environment, new culture and people leading to psychological boost. 

Additionally, researchers have mentioned that exercise and positive cognitive and sensory stimulus aids psychological well being. Travelling facilitates all these activities and thus, is considered as an effective therapy for mental health diseases. 

However, it is important that you choose your travel destination strategically. For instance, if a person is young and depressed due to lack of positive energy in life, he or she might find solace in a vibrant destination like New York City. Alternatively, an aged person suffering from dementia might find peace in a countryside destination which offers a tranquil environment. Thus, choosing a comfortable journey and destination is a must to optimize the therapeutic potential of tourism. 

Many mental health organizations have included travel therapy for mental health treatment in their program. Travel therapy provider possesses expertise to tailor a travel plan according to your specific requirement and condition.

Travel Therapy helps you to Find Emotional Balance 

Researchers suggest traveling boosts your happiness hormones in people triggered by positive social and environmental experiences. It allows you to come out of your habitual way of life and negative set of mind and to embrace positive and hope. 

For instance, a weekend vacation to a sea side spot allows you to escape the work pressure and stress of work life. Similar effects happen with people suffering from mental health issues. Traveling helps you to balance out negative and positive experiences and thought processes. 


Travelling brings about positive change in experience and thus, in thought process and mindset. Consult with qualified mental health providers to plan the most effective travel therapy plan to unwind and overcome your depressive thoughts and inculcate a positive vibe.

Disclaimer: The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your healthcare provider.

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