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How To Protect Young Hearts From Hypertension? A Parenting Guide

How To Protect Young Hearts From Hypertension

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When we think of hypertension, we usually relate to older adults who are at least above the age of 40 years. However, studies show that hypertension can also affect teenagers and children. 

Hypertension is a silent killer, and it is increasingly becoming a concern among the younger generation. As per the reports from the Indian Pediatrics, hypertension can be seen more commonly in children, increasing the number from 1-3% to 4-5% in India.  

Hypertension in children can be concerning because the prolonged existence of high blood pressure increases the risk of a heart ailment. Untreated hypertension in children can lead to long-term risks like kidney damage, ventricular hypertrophy, heart attacks, heart failure and stroke. Also, visionary problems can emerge over a period. 

Considering the risk factors, parents play a crucial role in determining the symptoms and preventing further distress and suffering. Quick and thorough medical care is essential in treating such conditions. Keep reading the blog to discern the hypertension symptoms and causes in children and teens. Discover what parents can do to keep young hearts healthy. 

Understanding Hypertension in Children

Hypertension in Children

What is hypertension in children? Is it the same as the adults? The answer is yes, but the alarming rate is much higher. 

Hypertension occurs when the artery walls face consistent force from blood flow. When blood flows rapidly, the pressure increases. This is alarming for adults, but it can also affect children. The long-term effects of high blood pressure can cause serious health issues. 

What are The Key Factors that Contribute to Hypertension in Kids?

  • Lifestyle Choices: Unhealthy eating, sedentary behaviours and obesity can significantly contribute to the risk factors of hypertension. 
  • Genetics: High blood pressure is a genetic issue that can be passed to a child. 
  • Stress: Family issues, academic pressures and improper social interactions can increase stress levels, causing high blood pressure in young individuals.

Promoting Healthy Lifestyle: A Parental Guide

Parents are responsible for shaping their children’s lifestyle. Follow these effective strategies to promote heart-friendly habits right from the start: 

1. Let your Children Practice Balanced Diets

Nutrition is a factor for kids. Improper management and food choices can even cause portal hypertension. It is when blood pressure develops in the portal veins in the liver. Therefore, it is important to encourage healthy eating through:

  • Setting a good example: Idealise healthy eating habits as adults. Children learn to eat from whatever they see. They will automatically choose to eat those that their parents are having regularly. 
  • Starting with Whole Foods: Switch to fresh fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and lean proteins. Limit your intake of processed food, excessive fat, sugar, and salt. 
  • Stay Healthy a Fun Activity: Involve children in grocery shopping and meal preparation. This promotes building a positive relationship with healthy food and helps them learn about proper nutrition. 

2. Encourage Physical Activities Regularly

When you think of reducing hypertension in children without changing food habits, introduce physical activities to their daily lives. It helps to maintain a healthy weight and control blood pressure. Try to:

  • Initiate at least an hour of daily exercise in the kids’ routine. It can be running, walking, swimming or simply playing outdoors. 
  • Reduce sedentary time by limiting screen time and performing various household works. 

3. Prioritising Monthly Health Checkups

Monthly checkups with a paediatrician can help parents recognise early signs. Healthcare providers can prescribe an appropriate hypertension treatment based on age and condition. Parents must go for: 

  • Monthly blood pressure checkups: Pediatricians keep track of the blood pressure through routine monthly checkups. 
  • Monitoring physical growth pattern: Check a child’s physical abilities, growth, and weight. These will tell a lot about their overall health. 

Hypertension Self-Care & Making Your Kids Aware

Multiple causes of hypertension exist, so knowledge plays an important role. Educate your children about hypertension, risk factors, and how healthy living keeps everyone happy. Help them understand the basics of hypertension and how improper lifestyle choices can impact it. Try reducing mental stress as much as possible. 

The Role of Parents in Preventing Hypertension

The increasing prevalence of hypertension in children is an acute concern. However, this can be prevented. As parents, let us do our part of the responsibility to permeate our children. There are different types of hypertension, and each can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and reducing stress levels.

To know more about life-enhancing medical topics, consider following our blog space and make your journey to good health seamless.

Disclaimer: The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your healthcare provider.

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