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Learn the Essential Benefits of Paraffin Manicure

Paraffin Manicure

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Paraffin manicure is a popular obsession of people who are skin care enthusiasts. Paraffin is a natural substance with a lot of health benefits. It contains hydrocarbons like hexane, heptanes and octane that make your skin soft and smooth when applied as a coat. The manicure involves dipping your nails into hot wax to make your skin soft and nail clean. It also enhances blood circulation and alleviates pain. The following blog would discuss the benefits of paraffin manicure, application process and related essential things that you must keep in mind. 

How Paraffin Manicure Works?

Paraffin is a wax that is applied as a coat to soften your skin and make your nails clean. The unheated wax can be applied to your arms and hand. After some time the wax is removed gently with a hot towel. The essential components of the wax allow you to experience a rejuvenating experience. Incorporating paraffin manicure in your weekly skin-care routine would allow you to achieve the ultimate benefit of wax manicure. 

Essential Steps of Paraffin Manicure

Following proper steps of paraffin manicure is essential to experience a perfect result. Here are the useful steps that you must follow.

  • The first essential step is to clip your nails and shape them as you want, square, oval or anything. 
  • Wash your hands with soap and water to get rid of the oil. Oil prevents the wax from sticking adequately with your skin.
  • Soak your hand in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes
  • Soak two gloves or cloths in warm water and then pour wax into the gloves or cloths and cover your hand with the wax filled gloves. 
  • After covering your hand with gloves, dip your nails one by one in the wax for 15 seconds and make sure that the was must not be heated above 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

Benefits of Paraffin Manicure

Paraffin contains hydrocarbons that provide natural nourishment to your skin and nails. It softens your skin and makes your nails glossy and shiny. The moisture from the wax prevents and heals hangnails and protects the cuticles. On the other hand, oil from the paraffin wax reduces pain and promotes circulation and keeps your nails and cuticles from bacteria. Finishing off the paraffin manicure treatment with nail polish wraps or gel nail stickers keep your nails protected and enhance their aesthetic appeal.   

Precautionary Measures

Before getting a paraffin manicure you must follow some safety measures to prevent burning your hand and for other precautions.

  • Since the wax is really hot you need to be cautious so that you don’t get burnt. It is advisable to keep your elbows close to your body while dipping them into the wax as it protects your skin from burning. 
  • Be careful as the wax is extremely slippery. To balance yourself you can hold the sides of the paraffin container. 
  • Try to leave your hand in the wax for at least 10 minutes and longer if possible. Keeping your hand soaked in the wax for a long time optimizes the effects of the treatment. 
  • Make sure to stay away from water since water can destroy the effect of the manicure and can also cause severe burns. 
  • If you have ever suffered from chicken pox or cold sores in the past then you must avoid paraffin manicure as hot wax can cause irritation to sensitive skin causing skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. 


Hopefully the above information regarding paraffin manicure proves useful for you. Make sure you follow the right steps in an orderly manner to maximize the effect of the manicure. More importantly, paraffin manicure involves a lot of risk factors of getting burned. Be extra cautious to avoid any accidents. After the procedure you can apply nail polish wrap or gel nail stickers for extra protection.

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